Monday, June 29, 2020



Picture : Obstetrics and Gynecology team

In college, I was never good in academics. I pass, pass. I fail, fail. I pass, I fail. I fail, I pass. I could maintain this consistency throughout my course. Always wanted to tell people 'bout ma constant academic struggling saga *much tears* .I stress out things in a  natural way. Its difficult to handle the situation sometimes esp practicals. But. I grin and say- 'Hey, Am dating Bailey and Davidson!'

So this is a story happened last year during final year model examination. The entire story started off when I accidentally slept at 1:30 AM and accidentally woke at 4:00AM  the night before surgery practical examination. So I heavily lacked proper sleep. But lacked huge amount of K-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e too. So, so the construction of exam is in the fashion of one minor case from orthopaedics. One major case and minor  from surgery. X-rays and instruments of both, a specimen, and surgery steps with ortho spotters. My strongest point was minor surgery case, I believed.

I do not know whether the next statement is bearable and tolerable to everyone. I mean EVERYONE. Surgery practicals is the adjustable one among others ( sorry, if i hurt any surgeon's spirit and vehemence).

So we all done with the devious spotters and got  ma ortho minor case. It was of 70 years old Kalyani with a knee implant. So i was asked to examine her knee joint. I examined her ( I examined her💀 ). Technically, that was a brilliant case of Osteoarthritis of Knee joint. Just after finishing the ortho case, I was directed to my surgery short case. I should repeat it here, I heavily lacked sleep. I heavily lacked knowledge. Wokay. That's it. After completion and exploration, my surgery short case looked like :

Balan, 45 years old,  a swimming coach, hails from Palakkad presented with complaints of ulcer on left foot for one year and right big toe for 10 days. H/o diabetes mellitus since 7 years. H/o amputation of left big toe last year.

Done. We need not write the entire thing in the paper they said. And I was like 'Hey cool! This is just a matter of ulcer. Gonna explore it'😎
I still can't remember the zigzag running of surgery house surgeons this way and snaking of ortho house surgeons that way. Along with Hari Raj sir and Aswin sir catching and throwing candidates to surgery long case and short case. NB : I heavily lacked sleep. I lacked knowledge 😖
Orthopaedics case presentation started from either end and surgery short and long case from other end. The chain of presentation rigmarole ended up in two facts :

(1)  I didn't get a major case by then
(2)  I haven't presented either of the minor cases

So my wait was over, got a 'beautiful' major case. I examined, diagnosed and weighed it as hydrocele with testicular tumor🤸
The point one has to note here is that, three candidates got the same 'beautiful' case. One diagnosed it as hydrocele. Other one presented it as testicular tumor. Me amalgamated both and concluded into hydrocele with testicular tumor. Perfect!!!  God knows! So I was  taken to present the surgery major case first. I won the game. My testicular tumor with hydrocele got good scores.

KEY POINT for newbies :  Study High Inguinal Orchidectomy part thoroughly with Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND)🙌

The moment I finished presentation, could see ortho housiees and surgery housiees gushing like comets and handed-over ma ortho and surgery case sheets simultaneously. Two teams held ma hand at the same time as none of the short cases were over and i wasn't confused a bit cuz ma sleepy-lacky brain was already in a position where only the presentation matters. So, the ortho housie took me to HOD. My body sat in front of him :

Sir : Tell your name and roll number.
Me:  Gopika, 39.
Sir :  Your patient and age?
Me:   Balan, 45 years old sir.
Sir :  okay. Present the case.
Me: (with unbeatable confidence)  Presenting the case of Balan, a 45 year old swimming coach who hails from Palakkad now presented with ulcer of left foot for one year and right big toe for 10 days.
History of present illness : * mama  some - thing fishy *🤔

Seriously, it took estimable five seconds to realize I was presenting ma surgery short case in front of orthopedics Head Of Department!

Me : Sir, case cherutayit onnu maripoi. Itu vere case anu. ( apologizing )
Sir  : Serikulla case eduth vayikk. *silence* Allenkilum Balan ennoru case ivde illalo. Sorry. Hahahahaha!!
Me : 🙄 ( what was that!?)

Somehow, somehow the ortho part got over. Done with the life story of 70 years old Kalyani. When I left the Male Surgery Ward, could see friends having lunch and studying the steps of mastectomy, Jaboulay's, Hernial repair and that chucklesome circumcision simultaneously. Again, sleepy-lacky brain was questioning me for leaving something behind. Was 't ma measuring tape or the illuminoscope? No. Could realize that I have missed ma surgery minor case presentation. So. I was the last candidate to appear for the prestigious minor case that day. The silly-ulcer-thing I planned to explore in the morning.

Cuz it was the end of minor presentation, everyone in the surgery department who had duty that day were present over there. I entered the room stepping right foot and juggling the case sheet. ( I already practiced the whole case to impress the examiner. Wooohoo! So thought to present the same Balan story with additional gimmicks🤡). And the one who scotched  ma pre-planned presentation was Mohandas sir!!
The  moment  I entered,

Sir : Onnano randano? ( one or two)
Me: 🙄🙄🙄
Sir : Oru ulcer ano, rand ulcer ano?! ( Is it one ulcer or two)
Me: Two sir!
Sir : Say only the diagnosis.
Me: *appo njanarayi😔*
Sir : Comment on the only finding other than ulcer.
Me:  Sir, he is a chrrrrrronic diabetic- - -
Sir : Atalla, vere finding enta?
Me: 🤔
Sir : Five toes indarunno? ( whether five toes present)
Me : Aaah. No sir. His big toe was amputated which was said by him in the history.
Amal sir : Appo kandillale!… (so, u din see)
Me :😬

My sleepy-lacky brain could see, feel  sooo many people in front of me bombarding with the basic easy questions of ulcer like Mitchell Starc's yorkars which I bounced back to them one after another.
Another sir : What are the sites of SCC?
My brain     :  lips, oral cavity, mmmmm      chest, trunk pinne body......

Everyone in the room, except me, made a face that I only seen in Grave's opthalmopathy of Thyroid chapter in S. Das. ( Bailey is a good book 🙏)
Me in brain : kuduthal nannayipoyo sir (no translation! )
Everyone laughed like anything and I could hear the headshakes, even the fan and bulb laughing!

Mohandas sir was already calming me by saying 'air vidu, air vidu' (again no translation!)
Amal sir : What is the lining of esophagus?
My brain for me :  Cuboidal sir!!! It is replaced by columnar in Baret's esophagus😭
Sorry to Pathology Gods 😪 Was much stressed out.
Still remember Aswin sir's incapable face upon ma answer. Also had questions that ma brain could and could not answer that day. We travelled to POVD → SCC→ BCC→ melanoma then winded up with investigations.

That ulcer matters. The whole surgery matters. I had enough.Wake up call👼

I had to attend five more stations that afternoon. So the OSCE part commenced with surgery steps. My lot was for thyroidectomy. Thank God : ) I swear no one would attend the  surgery exam without scrutinizing the elegant-esteemed-celebrated thyroidectomy.

Next was the ortho instrument part. Yeah, am good at instruments. Done.
The next station was radiology of surgery delt by Mohandas sir itself. He hooked an X-ray showing intercoastal drainage tube  and asked me 'bout the Triangle of safety and other things. He again took an X-ray and accidentally his finger was pointing at the clavicle bone. My  shaky head said out of ma jitter-ness   - Air under the clavicle, sir!!


That was the only thing i heard after i said the word 'clavicle'. Did sir hear the 'clavicle' I murmured. But seriously, someone give me a reason why i said clavicle?!
Sir : poyko poyko (laughing)
Me: Sir - - - - -
Sir : Haha! Poyko.

The last station was of surgery instruments. Yeah, am good at instruments. So they gave me fresh Ryle's tube and some other instruments. But the last one went like...

Amal Sir  : What's this?
Me           : Jolly's retractor!
Amal Sir  : Jollyoo?! Ath kudathayillalle. Ith thyroid. Ath cyanide🤢!!
Me           :   Sorry sir. Joll's self retaining thyroid retractor
Do i need to add an extra comment on this?

The only happy moment i had was realizing Mohamed Fayiz sir and Amalkumar Viswanathansir (one who taught us instruments) were absent that day and the moment waving from our moving car to Mohandas sir after winding the show at 4:45 PM.

Hence, I can not pretermit a surgery practical happened on 16th December 2019. What a colorful hell it was 😂
May be, i would forget this episode but definitely this deserves a place in ma timeline forever. Till Zuckerberg calls  off this and boooooom🔥

PS :
(1) Sleep properly during exams
(2) At least study properly for god sake🙏
(3) Mohandas sir oru manyan anu...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


So this is a story back in 2013. Infact, August '13. We were in twelfth grade, having term examination. So the biology paper, as board pattern, comprises of 5×3 (essay kinda ), short answers, and 8×1 (one word /one sentence) questions. I write from the back. I like it. I simply like it. So we had superlative topics like asexual reproduction, human reproduction, reproductive health, genetics and of course evolution. Like everyone, I was also focusing upon the middle one which was the thickest among 'em - Human reproduction. So I did ma topics in the order asexual reproduction (simple😏),  reproductive health (very very simple😏), genetics, and was really concentrating on the cornerstone and bedrock  human reproduction the whole night and early morning. Already had evolution in ma tuitions, so took it just before entering the hall.

We used that kinda exploration in front of hall, which was our adda, just before entering. One question from one. Acceptable. So ma friend Saranga taught me Theory of Spontaneous Generation and  Saveri taught me Bottle Neck Effect. Someone was screaming Ramapithecus and another Tyrannosaurus rex! I had enough. My brain, at that moment, could be compared to a South Indian thali, mixed up with those small-small dishes.

So the point am trying to convey is that, we got the questions. I wrote upside-down. Done with the essays costing the high-priced 15 marks. And done with the short answers. Then came the one marks. This-that easy ones. And the seventh question appeared like - what is panspermia?  ( what kind of heck was that!!!) Panspermia. Pan-sperm-ia. Yea. Sperm-ia. Cuz ma South Indian thali brain had a chunk of Human reproduction at the centre as a nucleus , as thali rice, processed 't as pan-sperm-ia. My adorable mum already told me ' onnum vidaruthe, ellam attend cheyyane' ( which means do attend all the questions)!
Still remember that was the only exam in ma 17 years of life got an extra five minutes.
1 mark, 5 minutes. Wow🤓
I started to scribble. At the end, it looked something like this...

Panspermia is that sperm which is produced after spermatogenesis.

        No. It's not correct. Need modification.

Panspermia is that sperm which is produced after spermiogenesis [ mudra sradikanam ]. It contains Ca++, Mg++ and fructose.

Done. I was thinking how to derive more logistic facts from the word. Anyway its for one mark. I stopped. Thank God. Left the hall.

I could hear every Mathematics-Biology student reviewing and confer 'bout panspermia. Confident me met Mr Anand and started discussing the questions. That moment when I asked him what actually was that spermia. And he replied -' simple. It's the theory. '

Me : What theory?!

Anand : That theory. Outer space thing. Oh! You didn't write?

Me : What The  Fudge??? So it has nothing             to do with sperms huh?!🙄

Anand : Seriously no!

That hell Evolution matters.

I was broken, overthinking how to face bio madam who was ma class teacher too. Ushakumari ma'am. The next day, study leave, we had to come campus to sign the board papers. We came. The 'bio-plus-class teacher' shown me where to sign. Only thing I did was confessing with a grin. She laughed like anything. ' I knew someone would write like this, that's why I didn't mention this in the class and put this as a question!!!!' - she said. 'Soooo many wrote the same!!! ' she added. Much happy me😍

There was giant tree beside the Azad block, our usual adda again, we sit and explore matters. So the computer students wanted to knew what was happening inside XII-C, why ma'am was laughing.
I explained everything to ' em. So Miss Eskay was startled by my answer and was asking -'itokke kazhikan pattuovo Gopo, calcium okke indo!!!!😳😳😳' ( which means are these kinda things edible) 

Abhay was asking 'ningal itokkeya padikunne?!!!!!!' 

( were am studying these topics)

The next day, I understood a good population wrote not the same, but something related to   s-p-e-r-m. But. One person. Hilarious. A girl. Not mentioning her. Known for her English ascent, the way she reads news like a BBC reporter😅 wrote :

Panspermia is that amount of sperm which is available in space!!!!!

So who is better😂

(1) Kids, please do not derive answers from the word itself. Otherwise you would become a star among the classmates.

(2) study biology properly. Don't skip evolution.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Remember someone asking me - 'Hey! Are you a Potterhead?'
Am always a 'Snapehead' ever since I read Deathly Hallows during ma sixth grade. That was a phase in early adolescence, we used to discuss each chapters of Potter, struggle each spells, discuss what's next during recess ( probably much more than Chris Colombus did with J K Rowling).  Already had ma Harry Potter Exams at home, regulated by ma brother fortnightly. I used to score good and got promoted to Pokemon exams later. Harry Potter Exam at home, was more like OWLS. He used to train me in spells and match the following. Rest all self trained. So this is a poem penned during those early adolescence when i used to read all those dark fictions. Found this  again during these dark quarantine days.

Swishing as a dove,
dark as death,
violent and vindicative,
no one can know.
Death eater and
dark lord's slave, 
defence of dark arts,
slayer of Albus.
Hostile to Harry,
sinner to many.
Given life to a horcrux.
Coward, some called.
Slytherins never gotta
half blood charm,
a terminator.
Bravest among 'em.
Severus lives,
for Lilly.
Always !!! 

Medical Life 🐌

 This blog contains words in Malayalam. Kindly read accordingly. Hai peeps! This time am sharing some garden-fresh-crisp affairs me and ma b...